Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So, like, iPhones are awesome and stuff

The Hatchling and I have been enjoying our new toy all day. I downloaded a cool "bubbles" app that was expressly designed for interfering toddlers - you glide your fingers across the screen and bubbles appear, then you tap your finger to "pop" them - and so far it's a big hit. We also quite enjoy the lightsaber app. BECAUSE WE'RE GEEKS. Oh, and ALSO, I now have the entire works of Shakespeare available right from my phone, in case I should ever need to check a quote or remember a character name or whatever. IT COULD HAPPEN.

So, um, yeah. Me likey.

In other news, I made a fabulous batch of cold peanut-sesame noodles and Bubba enjoyed them greatly. With some Jamaican ginger beer to wash it all down. Today, the nausea was manageable.

That's all I got. Peace out, yo.