Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Things wot are good to read

35 weeks today! Hoss's head feels like it's waaaaaaaay down in my twatular region. (Topher, that was specifically to make you do a spit take.)

So anyway ... apropos of nothing, here's some good stuff to read:

Ampersand has an excellent post up on how conservatives' actions and positions speak louder than words when it comes to abortion. There's a really neat chart and all! Useful for arguing with your local fundie.

At the American Prospect, Garance Franke-Ruta does an in-depth look at the NYT's op-eds on abortion, pretty much putting paid to the notion that the Times is either ragingly liberal OR pro-choice. Good stuff.

And finally, I'm definitely feeling some grief bacon coming on. You heard me.